When is the right time to get cataract surgery done?

There is no “right” time to undergo cataract surgery and there is absolutely no need to wait for the list of issues associated with cataracts to worsen.

Surgery can be done at any stage, although the majority wait until cataracts begin to hold them back, causing a significant impact on everyday life. Each case is different making it a personal choice, after all surely just one problem from the list of symptoms is enough to go and seek help? Early-stage cataract treatment means you can improve your vision faster and prevent it from worsening.

It’s not just an age thing. Cataracts can start at any age according to the type of cataract, however the most common form – nuclear sclerotic – develops over time and due to its nature predominantly affects people over 65 years old. Worsening of the condition tends to occur over years rather than months as the eye lens harden and yellow over time. However, progress of cataracts can also be influenced by lifestyle, medication, or illness.

In a healthy eye, the lenses focus the light on a spot on the retina and this gives clear vision. With cataracts, the lens of your eye (which lies behind the iris) becomes increasingly cloudy, like frosted glass and can give you cloudy vision. Your doctor will be able to discuss your symptoms with you and decide as to whether they are consistent with the early signs of cataracts. Likewise, if you suspect change to your sight such as increased difficulty with activities such as driving at night or reading, make an appointment with an optometrist to discuss your options for surgery. does.


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