Can you see better immediately after cataract surgery?

Cataract surgery is one of the world’s most common surgeries with a success rate of above 98 per cent.

After surgery, patients should be able to once more see things in focus, look into bright lights without seeing as much glare and tell the difference between colours.

Understandably, the burning question patients typically want answered is whether they’ll be able to see better straight after the surgery.

Immediately afterwards it’s normal for the eye to feel watery and slightly gritty, appear bloodshot and it may be sensitive to light.

The pupil will look larger than usual for 24 hours whilst the drops used to dilate the pupil before surgery wear off.

Short-term blurred vision is also normal while the eye heals and adapts to the new implanted lens.

Not everyone recovers from cataract surgery at the same pace, however, the good news is typically most people are able to see better one to three days later.


What can be done to aid recovery?

It’s advisable to take it easy for two to three days, use eye drops as instructed and take painkillers if needed. 

Patients may have a pad and plastic shield over their eye when they leave hospital. This can normally be removed the day after surgery but it’s a good idea to use it at night for at least a week and during showering.

The shield or wraparound sunglasses can protect patients when they are outside from exposure to dust, pollen and dirt and can help with light sensitivity.

Patients are advised not to rub their eyes and, for at least four weeks, to avoid wearing eye make-up.

Avoid strenuous exercise or heavy lifting for a couple of weeks to lower the chances of increasing eye pressure and don’t swim for four to six weeks after the procedure to minimise the risk of infection.

Patients should also remember not to drive or fly without getting clearance from their doctor.


When to seek help

If a cataract patient suffers increased pain, redness or decreased vision they should contact their eye surgeon immediately.


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