Your journey to better sight.

Information about your operation

A patient experience at the Cataract Doctor

Watch this video to gain insight into a typical ‘patient journey’ at the Cataract Doctor

Preparing for an Eye Operation

On the day of surgery you should take all medication as normal. If you are having a local anaesthetic you do not need to fast prior to surgery and you can eat and drink as you see fit.

We find that one of the most effective ways of achieving this is for you listen to music.  We have access to Spotify so you can listen to your favourite artists throughout the procedure, which takes around 30 minutes.

If you are having a general anaesthetic you should not eat anything for six hours before the procedure and you may drink water up to two hours before.

When arriving for your surgery, you will be greeted and taken to the waiting area by the nurses and Professor Ursell will then come and see you to ensure all the paperwork is correct and to answer any last-minute questions you may have.

You will be taken through to theatre where Professor Ursell will be waiting for you to carry out the operation. It is important for you to be as relaxed as possible in theatre and we will ensure that you are comfortable and there is no pain.

After Cataract Surgery

Once the surgery is complete, additional drops will be placed in your eye to prevent infection, decrease inflammation, temporarily inactivate your eye’s focusing system and keep your pupil dilated. Someone will need to drive you home.

When you have returned home from surgery, it is important to rest for the remainder of the day. Do not disturb the eye. Rest as much as possible, having an evening meal and a good night’s sleep. You may shower or bathe. You may also wash your hair after surgery.

Place the drops in that evening. At this point, you may resume normal activities, including bending. Do not discontinue any of the eye drops until directed to do so. Usually you will use Tobradex and Yellox drops twice a day for three weeks.

When instilling the drops, wait about three to five minutes between each type of drop. If you are not sure that the medication actually went into your eye, instil additional drops. It is better to instil too much rather than too little. It does not matter which drop goes in first.

A follow-up visit will be scheduled for approximately one or two weeks after the cataract surgery. If you experience any unusual pain, discharge or an abrupt change in your vision, please call immediately using the mobile number provided (this will be given to you following the operation).

It is normal after surgery for the white part of your eye to appear red. This will usually clear in a few days. Your eye may feel scratchy, but you should have no pain. If you experience pain or increased discomfort please call Professor Ursell’s secretary Karen on 0845 680 2020 immediately or the mobile number provided by Professor Ursell.

Temporary floating spots and brief flashes are common following surgery, but should disappear. Your distance vision will usually be very good within a day or two after surgery. However, your intermediate and near vision may be somewhat blurred for the first one or two weeks. You may buy over the counter reading glasses if needed from the chemist to help you read until you have a full prescription from your optician. You should see your optician four weeks after surgery.

You can drive when you achieve the UK driving specification which is being able to read a number plate at 60 feet. This usually occurs within a day or two of surgery and can even be the next day.

Eye Surgery FAQ’s

All your questions answered but do call if not…

  • Cataracts cause problems with vision. These include poor vision whilst driving or watching television, difficulty with close work and reading. Some cataracts cause glare in bright lights and can be particularly troublesome when driving at night.

    Cataracts can also cause a yellowing of the vision. Having cataracts may necessitate an increase in the strength of glasses required to see clearly. Therefore, having to change the strength of your glasses frequently can be an early sign of cataracts.

  • There is no cure for cataract apart from surgery. Cataract is a very common form of ageing of the natural lens that we are all born with. It is possible to find the earliest signs of cataract in a lot of normal people over the age of 60. There have recently been reports in the press that drops may eliminate cataract. Unfortunately, these claims have not been scientifically verified and the drops are not recommended by Mr Ursell.

  • A cataract does not have to be removed just because it is there.

    Surgery is undertaken when the cataract interferes with your normal activities such as driving, reading, hobbies or watching television.

    Cataract surgery is safer and better for the health of the eye if performed when the cataract is at an early stage. Cataracts do not need to be ‘ripe’ before being removed. Each person is different, your individual circumstances will be discussed and surgery performed when you need it.

  • Please visit Our Clinic locations page for the full list.

  • Mr Ursell has an international reputation due to his frequent lectures at prestigious conferences around the world and his overseas charity work which means that we treat many patients from all parts of the world. We can easily organise appointments and scheduling for surgery to incorporate all of your travel plans. The clinic is located 30 minutes from both Heathrow and Gatwick and within easy reach of central London.

  • We have been treating patients from overseas for many years. We have found it best if you make your own arrangements to travel to the UK and we can suggest a variety of places to stay whilst you are with us for treatment.

  • Unfortunately, we do not offer this service and recommend that you bring someone with you who can translate. We often have the translator or a relative to come into the operating theatre for reassurance during the procedure and patients often find this very reassuring.

  • You will have drops in the eye to dilate the pupil and to anaesthetise the eye. Local anaesthetic drops are used to numb the eye and any pain is prevented by an infusion of anaesthetic that lasts throughout the operation.

  • There has been a recent development for using a femtosecond laser for cataract surgery. This has been heavily marketed as ‘no blade’ surgery or ‘laser cataract’ surgery. The concept is very early in its development and to date unproven. So far there has not been any research that Mr Ursell shows that this offers any advantage and a recent Cochrane review of the literature agrees that there are very few unbiased scientific publications on this. As yet there has been no reliable findings that it offers better results and some reports that it offers a worse outcome. Surgery on your eyes is something that should not be undertaken lightly. Mr Ursell has been involved in research into how to improve cataract surgery his entire career and does not recommend this technique.

  • After routine cataract surgery the majority of patients can see well enough to drive within 24 hours. Patients frequently say to us that the vision is better than they have had for many years when they wake up the next day. They can see much brighter, fresher colours and detail in the distance that astounds them. You may have a slightly scratchy and red eye for a day or so. There is always the possibility of variation after any surgical procedure so if this does not occur for you immediately, please wait a day or so or call us if you are concerned.

  • We are happy to take payment over the phone with a credit or debit card. We can also accept direct BACS transfer, cheque or cash. Unfortunately, we do not currently accept American Express.

  • Routine cataract surgery has a very high success rate and 97% – 98% are delighted with the results so no further surgery is required. There is a 1/500 chance of serious complications that may require further surgery depending on the situation. Mr Ursell often gets referrals from other surgeons after surgery to provide repairs if there is a problem.

  • This depends on the type of implant you chose. If you have a monofocal distance implant virtually all patients will be free of distance glasses but most will need reading glasses.

    If you have multifocal implants in both eyes, about 80% are spectacle independent for both distance and reading. The different type of implant is a personal decision and you can discuss which would be best for you when you have your consultation with Mr Ursell.

  • Our figures show that 97% – 98% of patients are delighted with the results of surgery and see very well. These patients can get as much vision as their eyes are capable of delivering for them. If you have other sight problems such as macular degeneration, glaucoma, diabetes or a lazy eye, this will not be cured by cataract surgery and your vision will still be limited by these other factors despite perfect surgery. All of these factors will be discussed with you when you have your consultation with Mr Ursell.

Book an appointment

Contact a member of our team today to schedule an appointment and get started on your journey to better sight.