Paul Ursell made a Professor in recognition of dementia and cataracts research

Paul Ursell has been made an Honorary Professor at the Department of Life Sciences, University of Bradford.

Prof Ursell has been doing a research paper at the university on the subject of ‘dementia and cataracts’ and has been awarded the honorary title.

He said: “I have thoroughly enjoyed working on my research project which has allowed me to gain a deep insight into the relationship between dementia and cataracts.

“With an increasingly ageing population this is a subject area that is going to demands specialist knowledge and I am delighted to be at the forefront of that research.

“To have the chance to shape future thinking on this subject is a real privilege and to be awarded this title is a huge personal honour - something that I can look back on with real pride.”

The Department of Life Sciences is the largest faculty at the University of Bradford and includes a dedicated school of optometry and vision science.

The University is fully engaged in cutting-edge research and seeks to apply the knowledge it generates through its extensive links with industry, business and the professions.

The majority of academic staff are also active researchers and/or practitioners allowing students to experience the excitement surrounding new discoveries, and their application, and be aware of the latest developments long before they appear in textbooks.

The Bradford School of Optometry & Vision Science research group comprises a cohesive, multi-disciplinary approach to investigating vision and visual perception to address important research questions.

The group continues to build on over 35 years of vision research at the University. Research embraces a broad range of disciplines including; ophthalmology, optics, ocular imaging, machine vision, psychophysics, biomechanics and visual neuroscience.


Choosing the right lenses after cataract surgery